(Thomas More figurehead) St. Thomas More Lawyers Society of Wisconsin

Welcome to the web Home of the St. Thomas More Lawyers Society of Wisconsin, an organization affiliated with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee that is sponsored by lawyers and judges who are practicing members of their respective faiths.

Friday, August 04, 2006

August '06 First Friday - The Catholic as Divorce Attorney

The St. Thomas More Lawyers Society of Wisconsin First Friday Group will meet Friday, August 4, 2006. Mass will begin at 7:30 A.M. in the Chapel of the Holy Family located on the 2nd floor of the Marquette Memorial Union (15th and Wells). Mass will be followed by a presentation and discussion from 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. over a continental breakfast (suggested donation $4.00) in Room 305 of the same building. Parking is available on Wells Street or in one of the nearby campus lots.

Our speaker will be Kelly M. Dodd who is a partner at Petrie & Stocking S.C. in Milwaukee where she handles family law matters and appeals. Attorney Dodd will lead a discussion about the church's position on Catholic divorce lawyers and will review what the Catechism has to say about divorce. She will also discuss how pro-marriage attorneys are finding creative ways to mitigate the effects of the current "no-fault" divorce paradigm and what attorneys can do to educate pre-marital and married couples about divorce.