(Thomas More figurehead) St. Thomas More Lawyers Society of Wisconsin

Welcome to the web Home of the St. Thomas More Lawyers Society of Wisconsin, an organization affiliated with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee that is sponsored by lawyers and judges who are practicing members of their respective faiths.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

February '08 First Friday - Fr. Nathan Reeseman - "Catechism and Coffee"

On December 7, 2007 our First Friday gathering will again meet - Mass will begin at 7:30 a.m. in the Chapel of the Holy Family located on the 2nd floor of the Marquette Memorial Union (15th and Wells), with the speaker / discussion to follow (roughly 8-9am). For more information see our First Friday page.

Our guest celebrant and speaker for February is Fr. Nathan Reesman. Fr. Reesman serves as the Associate Pastor of St. Mary's Visitation Parish in Elm Grove. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fr. Reesman was ordained in May, 2006, and is the youngest priest in the Milwaukee Archdiocese. A dynamic and engaging speaker, Fr. Reesman developed the highly successful "Catechism and Cocktails" program at St. Mary's this summer. For the First Friday discussion, Fr. Reesman will speak on vocations and will reprise the Q&A format of "Catechism and Cocktails" -- call it "Catechism and Coffee". Fr. Reesman will be ready to field any questions you ever wanted to ask a priest.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

STMLS White Paper - Abuse Case Statute of Limitations

From the Executive Committee:

- January 23, 2008 -

To the Members of STMLS:

Greetings. We are providing as a PDF attachment to this email an advance copy of a white paper that was authorized by the Board of Directors at its last meeting. The paper addresses proposed legislation that would prospectively abolish the statute of limitations for child sex abuse crimes in Wisconsin and create a window during which claims now barred by the statute of limitations could be revived. Depending on one’s perspective, the legislation is referred to as “window”, “look-back”, or “reviver” legislation. The white paper speaks for itself. It was authorized by a unanimous vote of those present at the most recent Board meeting and later reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee. The paper is being circulated to members of the appropriate Senate and Assembly committees.

As you may know, Archbishop Dolan testified against this proposed legislation last week. A copy of his testimony along with a position paper submitted by the Catholic Conference are posted on the archdiocesan website.

We have taken this step after much prayer and reflection. It is not often that the Society ventures into the policy realm, but we feel that speaking out about this important issue is appropriate and in keeping with the example of our patron, perhaps especially because our position will not be uniformly popular or accepted.

Lastly, we thank those of you who volunteered to work on this project. Due to the legislative calendar, we had to get something out the door quickly, if at all, and there was not time to seek input or assistance from all those who volunteered. In the event this legislation becomes law, there will likely be a case testing its constitutionality. At that time, it may be appropriate for the Society to consider filing an amicus brief with a more extended analysis of the legal and constitutional issues presented.

Yours in Christ,


Jonathan Koenig, President

James Carrig, Past President

Tom Hruz, President-Elect

Bruce Arnold, Secretary

Justin Longley, Treasurer

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

January '08 First Friday (Hiatus)

There will be no First Friday gathering for January 2008.

Be sure to plan to join us in February!