40th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae Event - July 26, 2008
Our friends at the Nazareth Project for Marriage and Family Formation, a part of the John Paul II Center of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, have invited members of the St. Thomas More Lawyers Society to a very special event marking the fortieth anniversary of Humanae Vitae. This is scheduled for Saturday, July 26, 2008. A 9:00 a.m. Mass with Bishop William Callahan, OFM. Conv., will be followed by a presentation by the renowned Rev. Tadeusz Pacholcyk, Ph.D., Director of Education for the National Catholic Bioethics Center on "Stem Cell Research in Light of Humanae Vitae."
Space is limited and registrations are requested no later than July 26, 2008. Attached to this email please find a letter invitation from Lydia LoCoco, director of the Nazareth Project, a brochure on the event, and a registration form. Please contact Lydia with any questions regarding the event at LoCocoL@archmil.org, or 414-758-2214.
Space is limited and registrations are requested no later than July 26, 2008. Attached to this email please find a letter invitation from Lydia LoCoco, director of the Nazareth Project, a brochure on the event, and a registration form. Please contact Lydia with any questions regarding the event at LoCocoL@archmil.org, or 414-758-2214.